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Legal Link Ambassador Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as a Legal Link Ambassador! 
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Name (First + Last)  *
Pronoun *
Organization *
How long have you worked at your current organization? 

(Example: 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc.) 
County where you provide services. 

(Many organizations serve more than 1 county - please just list the county/counties where you provide services directly to clients as a part of your case management role. If you provide services in more than one county please select every county where you provide services.) 
Organizational staff email (ex: yourname@organization) *
Job Title (ex: Program Coordinator, Case Manager, etc.)  *
Phone number where you can be reached (work, or work cell preferred).  *
How did you learn about the Ambassador program? (Please check all that apply) *
Do you work with clients directly in your role?  *
Is case management a part of your role?  *
How long have you engaged in case management in your current role? 

(Example: 6 months,  1 year, 5 years, etc.) 
If you engage in case management is it mostly short-term, or long-term?  *
If you provide direct case management services, what is your average caseload size?  *
If you provide direct services, can you please describe the client population you work with? (example: Youth, Seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, LGBT+, BIPOC, low-income, etc.)  *
Do you have other case management experience from other past work experience?  If yes, please describe, if not please type n/a.  *
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