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HSM- On-Stage Cast Application Form
Please fill out this form completely and accurately prior to your dance/chorus audition.
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Email *
Last Name *
Ex) Smith
First Name *
Ex) John
Preferred pronouns *
Age *
Birthdate *
Ex) January 01, 1998
Grade Level *
Height *
Ex) Please use this format:  5'8
Hair Color *
Hair Color: Are you willing to change your hair color, if needed, for your role? *
Eye Color *
T-Shirt Size *
Home Phone # (if no home phone, enter parent phone #) *
Ex) 810-299-4100
Personal Cell Phone # *
Ex) 517-555-1212
Street Address *
Ex) 142 Brighton Road
City *
Ex) Brighton
Zip *
Ex) 48116
Email Address *
Use whatever email you check most often
I am auditioning for: *
Check all that apply
I would like to be cast in the following role, 1st Choice: *
I would like to be cast in the following role, 2nd Choice: *
Will you accept any role in the production? *
Will you accept the role of an understudy? *
Please explain any acting experience you have had: *
Include any drama classes you have taken, and any shows you have been a part of (include when and where they were performed and what role you had).
Please explain any singing experience you have had: *
Include participation in school or other choirs, private lessons, etc.
Please explain any dance experience you have had: *
Include lessons you have taken, types of dance you can perform (tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop, pom, etc).
Any special talents/tricks can you do? Tumbling, juggling, etc. *
Write a sentence or two explaining why you would like to participate in the musical: *
Tell us your personal strengths: *
Please share with us briefly any other information that might be helpful in making our decision:
Please read the following statement regarding expectations and commitment.  Then enter your full name in the text box as a signature. *
I promise that if I am cast, I will commit to participation in the musical with an understanding of the rules and expectations presented at the informational meeting.  I promise to follow the guidelines for participation and attendance and give my best effort at all practices and performances.  I understand that being part of a musical production requires a team effort, and promise to be a team player.  I will use my talents to the best of my ability..
Parent Name/Signature *
Parent Email: *
Parent Phone: *
Ex) 810-299-4100
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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