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Spring Spectrum Sign Up 2016
We are about to start the 2016 build season.

Allen's normal hours during build season. M-Thur = 3pm till after 8pm , Friday = 3pm till 10pm Friday, Saturday = 12:30pm - 9pm, Sunday 10am to 8pm  I won't leave until the last student is ready to leave so if you want to stay later and build that is fine. If you want to come in early on a weekend or something let me know and I can normally make that work as well.

We normally have meals brought in for Friday dinner, Saturday dinner, and Sunday lunch/dinner.
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Name *
Email *
Solarcraft tour *
Tuesday Jan 5th 1pm-4pm
Kickoff in the Katy *
Saturday Jan 9th - 7am - Noon (It's okay to meet the team back at school at noon, not everyone needs to go to the remote kickoff)
Kickoff at Lab *
Saturday Jan 9th - Noon - 9pm (A lot of Brainstorming, field construction, and initial prototypes)
Build Season Schedule? *
What is your planned schedule during build season? What days will you be here? When will you be going home?
What do you want to learn more about? *
We have gone over a lot of different things. What do you want to learn more about before build season?
VEX South Texas Championship *
Feb 27th 7am to 7pm, Volunteering, good way to get service hours
Bayou Regional *
Do you tentatively plan to go to the Bayou Regional? March 16-20 in New Orleans. You will pay for your portion of hotel and food.
Lone Star Regional *
Do you tentatively plan to go to the Lone Star Regional? Apirl 7th-9th in Houston
FIRST Championship *
Do you tentatively plan to go to the FIRST Championship if we qualify? April 26th(PM)- 31st(AM). Costs between $250-$400
Questions / Comments / Favorite Celestial Object *
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