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Sticks & Ropes Registration Form
Thank you for taking the time to fill this form in. Please fill out one form per child. We look forward to seeing you in the woods soon :)
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Name of child and their pronouns
Child's Date of Birth *
Current gender identity
What passions, hobbies or interests does your child have?
Please tell us what experience your child has had with the outdoors, outdoor learning environments and outdoor knowledge/skills.
Name, phone number and email of parent/guardian (call first)
Name, phone number and email of parent/guardian (call second)
Home Address(es)
If applicable - Please give details of any accessability requirements or Special Educational Needs adjustments and what support they will need from staff. *
If applicable - Please give details of any medical conditions your child has and support they will need from staff. *
If applicable - Please give details of any allergies to foods, plants or animals your child has. *
Please select what photography permissions you consent for us to have. These help us keep a record of activities/achievements and support the promotion of the group.
Risky play, and risk taking in general, is a normal, healthy part of children's development and facilitated outdoor learning is one of the best ways for children to push the edges of their comfort zone in a safe space, on their own terms. We have comprehensive health and safety processes in place and trained leaders to strike the right balance between the dangers and benefits of risk. Do you consent to this approach to learning and acknowledge the risks of outdoor learning?
Will your child be able to understand and follow any rules we have in place that are intended to keep them and everyone else safe? Perticularly during potentially risky activities (e.g. working with sharp tools, climbing trees, exploring the wood or when lighting and cooking on a fire) *
How are you happy to be contacted?
Would you be happy to be contacted about the possibility of lift sharing, if for example another parent lives close by? *
Finally, if you wish. Please share something you are greatful for this week. This may be something from the natural world but does not have to be.
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