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Challenging Reading Class for Middle School Students
The aim of the reading class is to improve students' reading comprehension and writing skills.
Through the challenging reading passages and accompanying questions, students will develop their analytical abilities and vocabularies every week. Students in the class will also learn about collaboration and public speaking as a result of the group projects, discussions, and presentations.
Outside of class, the homework assignments are designed to hone the students' writing talents. Overall, the class will help students in thinking critically, a skill they can apply to their schoolwork and standardized testing.

Time: 1:30-4:30pm; 8/8 to 8/12, Monday to Friday
Tuition: $350/week
Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Contact: 408-898-5021,

Instructor:Melanie Frakes  

College graduate from USC on academic scholarship
Dean’s List Honor and Presidential Scholarship at USC
Majored in literature
National Merit Finalist
Three years teaching experience
Specializes in Reading Comprehension

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