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PHA COVID - 19 Questionnaire
This questionnaire must be completed for all players every session/each day before they will be allowed on the ice. Complete this COVID-19 health questionnaire prior to practice/game. If player is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms contact your head coach, or program coordinator. Please say home to protect others.
 Please contact your program coordinator if you have any COVID-19 related questions.    

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Coaches last name *
Team name *
Players name *
Date of practice or game *
Email *
Do you have any of the following COVID-19 Symptoms? (Where you can not attribute the symptom to another health condition.) * *
If the answer to any of the questions above is "YES", stay home and consult your primary care physician. If a doctor determines that the symptoms are due to another diagnosis, or COVID- 19 is ruled out, you may return to activity after being fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications *
If the answer is "YES" to either of these questions,
You must stay home to quarantine for 14 days since last contact or return to the US
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