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Justisse College International Tuition Assistance Application
Justisse College International Tuition Assistance is a Reproductive Justice initiative that's intended to support students with financial need who intend to work with marginalized communities upon graduating from the HRHP program. Tuition Assistance (TA) provides a discount on tuition (up to 60%). It does not apply to the costs of textbooks, fees, or other related program expenses. TA can be offered to one student per cohort. 

Please note, a financial commitment of $300 CAD per month (or $900 per term) is the minimum requirement for ALL students, including recipients of TA. 

If you cannot afford full tuition on your own or through borrowing, then you are welcome to apply. 

To begin your application, please answer the questions below. Optionally, you may email documents in support of your application such as tax returns, proof of income, currency conversion information, letters of reference, etc. to   The Tuition Assistance Committee may request such proof of financial circumstances in order to determine your eligibility for assistance. 

Thank you for your interest in Justisse College!
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Email *
Please provide your first and last name. *
Please tell us about the populations you wish to work with when you graduate, and how you are uniquely positioned to serve as an HRHP among them. *
Can you describe the structural barriers and access issues this community is experiencing? This can relate to healthcare in general, or concern Fertility Awareness Education and holistic health specifically.
Tell us about your current financial situation. If you like, you may discuss structural barriers that impact your personal finances. Why is tuition assistance meaningful and needed for your situation?
What is the average annual income in your country? What is your average annual income? (If your household income is in another currency, please convert your household annual income to CAD.) 

Are you supporting children or other dependents?


What are your monthly expenses (Including rent or mortgage, medical expenses)?

Have you considered any personal fundraising toward the cost of tuition, and/or would you be open to discussing fundraising in partnership with Justisse?  *
Have you attended one of the free public information sessions hosted by the college to learn more about the HRHP program?
Please acknowledge the above: *
Tuition Assistance Requirements Upon Award

  1. Tuition Assistance can span the two-year program and an leave of absence of up to one year. It can not be granted retroactively if TA is approved after the program start date.

  2. A minimum of a 70% grade average is required or your Tuition Assistance will be up for review.

  3. A minimum of five units must be completed by the end of the first year or your Tuition Assistance will be up for review.

  4. If a TA recipient requires an extension in order to complete the program, then they are responsible for extension fees. Extension fees must be paid at the going rate (the same rate as other students) at the time of extension. If an extension fee needs to be reduced, then it is subject to review and subsidy on a case-by-case basis.

  5. As Tuition Assistance is based on financial need, the HRHP trainee agrees to inform JCI if there is a positive change in their financial situation.

  6. Upon graduation from the program, the TA recipient is expected to provide an update or continuing education event regarding their service in marginalized communities.

Please agree to the tuition assistance requirements.
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