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Executive Director Evaluation Tool  2021-22
This will be the tool used to evaluate the Executive Director and gather responses from Board Members
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Email *
What is your ESU *
Performance Standard 1:  Maintains a Strong Relationship with Staff *
Performance Standard 1:  Comments *
Performance Standard 2:  Develop and maintains efficient and effective office/work routines. *
Performance Standard 2:  Comments *
Performance Standard 3:  Interprets, disseminates and implements ESUCC policies, practices and assure compliance with State regulations and laws. *
Performance Standard 3:  Comments *
Performance Standard 4:  Establish and maintain an internal communication system with ESUCC staff and Coordinating Council. *
Performance Standard 4:  Comments *
Performance Standard 5:  Informs staff of their role, responsibilities and expectations prior to any evaluation of performance.  Assures evaluations of all staff assigned to ESUCC respective manager and completed annually. *
Performance Standard 5:  Comments *
Performance Standard 6:  Communicates and collaborates with other government agencies and the general public about the programs and services of the ESUCC. *
Performance Standard 6:  Comments *
Performance Standard 7:  Organizes, supervises, and evaluates ESUCC activities and affiliates. *
Performance Standard 7:  Comments *
Performance Standard 8:  Oversees all accounting and auditing of ESUCC accounts. *
Performance Standard 8:  Comments *
Additional Comments *
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