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<Mana> Contact Form
Please put your best foot forward in your participation. We are looking for long term members for our Guild, take the extra time to fill out the intake form thoroughly.

<Mana> was formally known as <Axios> until Legion and was a Cutting Edge Guild, and before Mythic Raiding, there was only Heroic raiding. We invite you to join us to be a Raider, Mythic Dungeon Hero, or Pvp'er, or just a Community Member.

To give you a quick background on <Mana>, Quixsis has been the GM of this Guild since November 2010 until Mythic Ny'alotha. We decided to step back from raiding; after the motivation to conquer Mythic N'zoth had faltered and, the drive to play wow faltered due to the game's unhealthy stagnation, we decided to take an off and on again break, getting 6/10 Mythic in Castle Nathria when it was current. Like all things real-life circumstances and the disposition of the game, we stopped. Until recently, the passion for starting again in preparation for the expansion and the final patch our interest peeked to join the fold and rebuild our once mighty Guild.

Contact forms will be reviewed ASAP, if you are not contacted within that time please feel free to get a hold of the Leadership Team.
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What name do you like to go by? (Please also include in game name.) *
Bnet Battletag *
Discord I.D. *
How old are you? *
What Class and Spec are you planning to play on? *
Any notable alts that you would like us to know about? *
If you have logs from any of your adventures please share them with us. (Raider Only) *
Please Upload a picture of YOUR UI IN RAID COMBAT. (LFR or a world boss is fine) this is optional *
We raid 3 nights a week. Tues Wed and Thurs 7:00-9:30pm pst. Can you make these times? *
3 Addons that we REQUIRE to run the raid smooth are Weakauras, Exorsus Raid Tools and RCLoot Council. Do you have these addons or are you willing to install them prior to raiding? *
What is your raiding experience? What tiers have you done, with what kind of guild (casual/hardcore), what roles did you play, etc. *
What is your current guild? What is your guild history? Why did you leave your previous/current guild? *
What do you think is your biggest strength as a player? *
Why do you think <Mana> is the right guild for you? *
Do you know any <Mana> members? If yes who? *
Do you have a mic and are willing to speak? You are not required to speak unless a fight specifically requires it. *
Have you read our raiding policies linked on our discord? *
How did you hear about Mana? *
Anything you would like to add?
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