Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt
There is so much interesting information on the Internet!  Let's grow our research skills by learning more about Thanksgiving!  Have fun!
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Type your first and last name.
Who is your teacher?
The date of Thanksgiving changes every year.  When is it? *
Click here to find the answer to this question and the next one: 
What date is Thanksgiving this year (2015)?  Use the same link as in question #1.   *
(Hint:  Click where it says "When is Thanksgiving"?)
In what year did Abraham Lincoln appoint a national day of thanksgiving? *
Click here and scroll all the way to the bottom:
Thanksgiving is about being thankful.  How would you say "thank you" in French?  Type the answer below. *
Turkeys are interesting birds.  Which of the facts are true? *
Hopefully you learned some interesting things about Thanksgiving.  Because you worked so hard, let's have some fun.  Click below and play Tic Tac Toe with a turkey!  Just click on the square you want and the turkey will join you!  I hope you can beat him!
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