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Jobs Program Interest Form
Socialist organizers have been crucial to labor struggles throughout history. As rank and file activists, socialists have helped build powerful, militant, and worker-led unions and collectives, capable of winning improvements in the material conditions of working people as well as to advance revolutionary class consciousness.

To continue this legacy at our critical historical juncture, the East Bay DSA Labor Committee has launched a program to help DSA members get jobs to facilitate shop-floor organizing in strategic sectors of the economy. The Jobs Program helps new and experienced organizers alike connect to the most important struggles in today's labor movement by building strong and democratic rank-and-file led organizations, empowering coworkers to fight, winning concessions, and increasing workers’ control over production.

If you are interested in taking a job with the intention of doing workplace organizing, please fill out this form and an organizer will reach out to you.
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Are you interested in taking a job with the intent of organizing? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Which industries, if any, are you particularly interested in? We're actively recruiting for our logistics and public education cohorts, but can help place in your other industries as well. *
Any additional information or other industries you want to add to your interests?
I am a member of: *
Are you currently employed? *
Anything else you want us to know?
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