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수강신청서( application form/申请书)
Sejong Education Center of Korean Culture_Application for classes
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1. 이름( Name/姓名)   *passport name /护照上的姓名
2. 국적(Nationality/ 国籍)
3. 학번(Student Number/ 学号)
4. 학과(Major/ 专业)
5. 학년(School year/ 年级)
6. 이메일(E-mail/ 电子邮件)
7. 카카오톡ID(Kakao talk ID)    
If you don't have an ID please make one /如果没有ID请创建
8. 전화번호(Phone number/电话号码)
9. 신청하고 싶은 강좌를 선택하세요
Please select the course you want to apply for/
* 1,2,3,4,11번 강좌를 신청한 사람은 아래 계좌로 납부해 주세요.
Those who applied for courses 1,2,3,4,11 should pay to the account below/ 申请1,2,3,4,11号讲座的人请到以下账户缴纳
계좌번호(Account number/账号):  1002-455-058810 
예금주(Account Name/ 存款人): 장현묵 
행명(Bank Name/ 银行名称): 우리

* 5,6,7,8,9,10번 강좌를 신청한 사람은 수업 시간에 교수님께 납부해 주세요.
Those who apply for courses 5,6,7,8,9,10 should pay to the professor during class/申请第5,6,7,8,9,10号讲座的人请在课堂上向教授缴纳
11. 계좌번호(Bank Account Number/ 账号)/예금주(Account Name/ 存款人)/은행명(Bank Name/ 银行名称)
*Please write down the account number to get the deposit refunded if you attend more than 80%./80%以上出席时请填写退还押金的账号
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