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The Unique Families' Initial Application Form

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Unique Families’ Journey Foundation!

We are dedicated to supporting children and families with exceptional needs through personalized coaching, advocacy, community and peer support, and educational workshops.

Kindly complete the application form below, and a member of our team will promptly respond to your inquiry!

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Email *
Name: *
Address:  *
Phone Number *
Email: *

What brings you to Unique Families’ Journey Foundation?

How often would you like to receive updates from us?

Preferred Method of Communication:
How did you hear about us?
What goals do you have for your child’s education this year?
Child's Name:
Child's Age:
Child's Diagnosis (if known)

Could you please provide the name of your child's school?
In which grade is your child currently enrolled? *

Is there currently an IEP/504 Plan in place?

What are some of your child's strengths and areas for improvement? *

Are there any specific resources or types of support you feel would be most helpful for your family?

 Have you received any training or attended workshops related to special education advocacy? If yes, please describe.

 Have you had previous experiences with school meetings (PPTs, 504 meetings)? If yes, please describe your experience.


Would you be interested in participating in workshops, support groups, or events organized by Unique Families’ Journey Foundation? 


Are you interested in joining our private Facebook group for peer support?


Would you be interested in volunteering with Unique Families’ Journey in any capacity?
Do you have any immediate concerns or needs that you would like us to address?

Is there any other information you believe would be helpful for us to know to better support your family?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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