DevOpsDays Minneapolis Survey
We plan to publish results of this survey so the broader DevOpsDays community can benefit. All published responses will be de-identified and only shared in aggregate or anonymous form. Your name and contact information will never be published.
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Did you participate in DevOpsDays Minneapolis? *
(We're interested in your thoughts even if you didn't participate in person or in real time.)
How many DevOpsDays conferences have you attended prior to this? *
If describing this conference, you would call it... *
(Choose any that apply to your experience.)
What did you think of these parts of the conference? *
Liked very much
Liked somewhat
Neutral; neither liked nor disliked
Disliked somewhat
Disliked very much
Not applicable / did not attend
Thursday evening social
Venue (St. Thomas)
Audiovisual technology
Sponsor presence
Open Space discussions
Organizer communication
Food/drink (St. Thomas)
How did you hear about DevOpsDays Minneapolis? *
How likely are you to recommend DevOpsDays Minneapolis to a friend or colleague? *
Very likely
Very unlikely
Do you have anything not covered already that you'd like to tell the conference organizers?
Your feedback (especially constructive criticism) will help us improve!
Name and/or email address (optional)
(A contact method is obviously required if you'd like us to follow up on anything with you.)
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