Mastery 2
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Part A (1-3). Look at the following cartoon and put a check by the three inferences that are most logically based on the information given.
Part B (4-7). Put a check by the two inferences that are most logically based on each of the sentences below.
May your coffin be built out of the wood of a hundred-year-old oak tree, which I shall plant tomorrow.
You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.
Part C (8-10). Read the following passage and then check the three inferences that are most firmly based on the given information.
     Sharon is a person whose life seems filled with conflict. I rarely talk with her without being reminded of that fact. For example, she constantly complains to me that people "do her wrong." "And I thought she was my friend!" is her constant complaint. Before I knew Sharon well, I sympathized with her incredible bad luck. Now, however, I think I understand the situation better. Sharon expects her friends to show her unconditional love and acceptance, no matter how she behaves. Even when she stands her friends up, tells them lies, and takes advantage of them, she is amazed when they withdraw their friendship. Despite her constant experience of losing friends, she doesn't realize that she is responsible for the situation.
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