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COVID-19 Healthcare Provider Experiences
NPWH first sent this survey to our membership in March as the pandemic was first spreading across the country. We are repeating the survey now to monitor how the landscape and the needs of our providers are changing. Thank you for your participation, and thank you for caring for women.

NPWH wants to understand what our members and providers are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please share your experiences in this brief survey so we can continue to advocate for you and create resources to serve your needs.

All responses are optional and anonymous.
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Impact on Providers and their Practices
As a provider, what are your "gaps" or concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic? (check all that apply)
Has your practice discussed disruptions to service or realigning assignments to fill gaps in care caused by COVID-19?  
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How is your practice dealing with the possibility of a shortage of personal protective equipment?
What changes have you made in your practice due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
What actions have you taken to ensure timely access to care and information, while protecting both patients and providers from the spread of COVID-19? (Check all that apply)
We are seeking to understand the impact of the pandemic on your employment. What is your employment status, currently?
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Impact on Patients
Have you noticed a decrease in visits for critical services, such as (check all that apply):
Are women reporting barriers to accessing care related to COVID-19 precautions, such as (check all that apply):
Are your patients expressing concern about the impact of COVID-19  on their lives (check all that apply)?
What is Needed
Are there resources or guidance you would like to see from NPWH?
Are there government actions that have not been taken that you would like to see addressed?
While the policies and restrictions federal and local governments have put in place are designed to protect public health and reduce the spread of COVID-19, have you seen any unintended negative impacts on patients or providers?
Is there anything else you want to share about your experience with COVID-19?
NPWH wants to share the stories of providers during this pandemic. If you are interested in sharing your experience through writing, photos, videos, or other mediums, please enter your contact information here:
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