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Marketers: when considering a new opportunity, what do you care about most?
Nate Guggia (Before You Apply) and James Hornick (Hirewell) host the biweekly Employer Content Show. They are starting a new ongoing segment where they give employers real insights into what topics job seekers want to hear about so they can improve their hiring content. And instead of making assumptions, they want to hear from marketers themselves.

Survey responses will be 100% anonymous. The aggregate results will be shared publicly for all to better their hiring efforts.

The first four multiple-choice questions are to better understand the audience. The final three question are open ended will provide invaluable insights the community.

Please pass along to other marketers. ONLY respond if you work in the marketing vertical. We will do additional surveys for other areas (technology, HR, etc) in the future.
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The Employer Content Show -  Marketer Survey
What industry are you in? *
Where are you in your career? *
When is the last time you looked for a new job? *
Which best describes your function? (select all that apply) *
What information do you need in order to start a conversation with a recruiter? And what information can you never find? *
What do you want to know about the company/job before you accept an offer? *
What questions do you ask in your interview? *
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