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Parkway Running Club Membership - 2025
PRC welcomes new and renewing members at any time during the year. Any member who signed up on Oct. 1st, 2024 or later is paid thru 2025. Same home address required for Family / Couples membership.
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Email *
Type of membership *
Please Venmo your membership fee to @PRC-Boston. Note "PRC 2025" in What's This for?
First and Last Name *
Address *
City, State Zip *
Phone number *
Other member name(s) for Family/Couple Membership
Other Email(s) for Family/Couple Membership
Participant waiver *
I know and understand that participating in Parkway Running Club runs or activities and/or volunteering for or with the Parkway Running Club are potentially dangerous activities and can result in injuries. I understand that I should not participate or volunteer unless I am physically or medically able, and that it is solely my responsibility to determine whether I am physically or medically able to participate in Club runs or activities or volunteering for or with the Club. I assume all risks associated with participating in Parkway Running Club runs or activities or volunteering for or with the Parkway Running Club, including, but not limited to, trip and falls, contact with vehicles or participants at events, the effects of the weather, conditions of the road and traffic, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read and understood this waiver I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Parkway Running Club, its members, officers, representatives and successors from any and all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in Parkway Running Club runs or activities and/or volunteering for or with the Parkway Running Club.
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