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The Refuge Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at The Refuge.

We’re a hub for healing community, social action, and creative collaboration hubbed in Broomfield since 2006. As a 501c3 organization that is fueled by volunteers, we are so grateful for more people interested in being part of serving in our community. We have several different areas of need for volunteers and we’d love to connect you in the right direction.

If you can take some time to fill out this brief form to give us an idea of the best ways to reach you, areas you might want to serve in, and any initial questions you might have, someone will follow up within a few weeks at the latest. Again, thank you for wanting to be part of The Refuge community.

We are grateful for your interest and look forward to connecting and learning more about your heart to serve!
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Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Email *
Cell Phone *
I prefer to be contacted initially by (check all that apply)
How did you hear about The Refuge? *
I’m interested in potentially volunteering in these areas: (check all that apply)

Will your volunteer hours be applied to community service requirements? *
Any specific skills or passions you’d like to contribute?
Do you have any questions or comments?
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