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Booking Request
After you fill out this Booking Request, we will contact you to go over details and availability before an invoice (if necessary) is sent. If you would like faster service and direct information on current pricing please contact us at (202) 436-6652 or
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Are you a new or existing customer?
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Who is the contact person for this event? (Name/CellPhone/Email)
What is the date of your event?
What time is your event? *
Is this event, in-person or virtual
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Where is your event located? (Please provide Full Address) *
Who is your audience?
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What is the expected audience size for this event?
Is video allowed for this event? (If this is a school, we understand that we cannot record the faces of the students)
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Do you have an Honorarium or Budget in mind for this event?
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How much time is allotted for the performance? *
Questions and comments
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