#100percentdigital Faculty-Staff Learning Community, Spring 2015
The Office of Instructional Technology and the Center for Teaching Excellence are hosting a faculty-staff learning community focused on digital workflow and practice.  As our strategic plan charges us:

"St. Edward’s University students and faculty will connect with their peers and interact with international experts through an increasingly global and digital classroom and will customize their own learning environments through the power of technology."

Over the course of Spring 2015, the group will meet multiple times to tackle the challenges of digital workflow.  Each meeting will be a working session focusing on challenges identified by the group in the fall. These challenges include digital methods for managing to do lists, virtual collaboration, collaborative calendaring, helping students work #100percentdigital, working digitally in a print world, removing barriers to going paperless, etc, and new topics will be added as the group uncovers them.  The group will work collaboratively to define the challenge and evaluate some strategies for solving it.  The first meeting will focus on managing to do lists.  We’ll also use a blog, diigo group, and twitter to share in between meetings.

We will meet four times across the semester on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-4:30 pm, with all but the last meeting in Fleck 306.  (The May 6 meeting will take place in Fleck 314.) Refreshments will be provided.
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(check all that apply)
Department / Office *
Please tell us the name of the office, department, school, or other administrative unit in which you work.
Prioritize Topics
Help us prioritize topics to address this semester. Please rate each of the following working session topics on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being least appealing and 5 being most appealing for the work of our group.
1 (least appealing)
5 (most appealing)
virtual collaboration
collaborative calendaring
helping students work #100percentdigital
working digitally in a print world
removing barriers to going paperless
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Other Topics?
What other topics would you like to explore that are not listed above.
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