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Central Mindanao Colleges remains a strong pillar of education and is genuinely proud of its 74 years of existence, providing quality and excellent education for the Filipino Youth. The Central Mindanao Colleges is establishing a system of tracing its graduates and getting feedback regarding the type of work, educational experiences, employability, and promotion status. This is useful in planning future our institution's educational needs. The results of this tracer study will only be presented in summary form and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.

May we, therefore, request your precious time to please answer the questionnaire sincerely.  There is no right or wrong answer.  We would appreciate it if you could complete the following electronic questionnaire at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation CMCians and God bless.

Central Mindanao Colleges recognize our responsibilities under the Republic Act No. 10173 (Act), also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, concerning the data they collect, record, organize, update, use, consolidate from our students. The personal data obtained from this electronic form is entered and stored within CMCs authorized information and communications system and will only be accessed by the Office of Student Affairs and Services authorized personnel. CMC has instituted appropriate organizational, technical and physical security measures to ensure the protection of your data. Further, the information collected and stored in the portal shall only be used for the processing and reporting of documents related to the evaluation purposes only to our online events at CMC. CMC shall not disclose students' personal information without their consent and shall retain this information over ten years for the effective implementation and management of evaluation methods of OSAS.                                                                        

CONSENT: I have read this Data Privacy Statement and express my consent from CMC to collect, record, organize, update or modify, retrieve, consult, use, consolidate, block, erase or destruct my personal data as part of my information. I hereby affirm my right to be informed, object to processing, access and rectify, suspend or withdraw my personal data, and be indemnified in case of damages pursuant to the provisions of the Republic Act No. 10173 of the Philippines, Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its corresponding Implementing Rules and Regulations.

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