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United Addison Campaign Sign Request
Thank you for your interest in a United Addison campaign yard sign!  We appreciate your support. Please fill out the form below and we will be happy to deliver a sign right away!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Where Would You Like Us to Place a Sign? *
(Street address only, please)
Email *
(In case we need to reach you)
Phone number
What kind of sign would you like? *
Let us know what sign we can deliver. The 18" x 24" signs are best for front lawns and storefront windows.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about the campaign?
Thoughts, observations, questions, and comments are always appreciated!
Thank you for your support of United Addison. Please remember to vote Hundley, Zucchero, Kluczny, Nasti and DelRosario on or before April 1, 2025!
Paid for by United Addison. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is available from the Board's official website,
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