Immigration Survey                                                  Richard Burden MP
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1. Can you come to my discussion on immigration at 6.30pm on 29 January 2015 at Northfield Baptist Church?
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2. Is immigration an important issue for you?
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3. How important is the issue of European Union (EU) immigration to you? (1= Very important, 5 = Not important)
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4. How important is the issue of non-EU immigration to you? (1= Very important, 5 = not important)
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5. If you have concerns what areas worry you the most?
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6. Do you feel immigration can have a positive impact on the following areas
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7. In terms of EU immigration do you think the rules around the free movement of people to work need to be looked at?
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8. Do you know anyone who has worked, or plans to work in an EU country?
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9. Who do you think should be allowed to come in and settle in our country?
Not sure
Anyone who wants to come?
Anyone who wants to come and is willing to work?
Skilled people who can fill specific jobs the country needs.
People who can set up businesses and create jobs?
Legitimate students?
Family members of those who have already settled?
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10. Do you think a simple cap on immigration is working and ensures the right people are coming to our country?
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11. Do you think we need to look at issues around the impact immigration has on wages and working hours?
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12. Do you, or someone close to you have any experience of immigration impacting on jobs, wages or working conditions?
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If yes, please give detail
13. Should more resources be used to enforce current legislation around minimum wage and conditions at work?
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14. Do you think we should take issues around border security more seriously?
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15. Should we introduce a system so that we know exactly who is entering the country and who is leaving?
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16. Should the UK continue our tradition of providing a safe haven for those fleeing for their lives?
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Do you have anything you want to tell me about your views on immigration, and any experiences you have had living here in in Birmingham?
17. How good a job am I doing as your constituency MP? (1= Very good, 5 = Not good)
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18. I need some more volunteers to help deliver my Parliamentary news and letter. Is this something you’d like to help with?
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19.  Are there any other issues you would like to raise with me?
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House phone
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