Feedback for Ms. Rachael
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What resources on Ms. Rachael's website were most helpful to you? *
(Weekly agenda, power points available, extra notes, flashcards, jeopardy, contact information)
How easy and user-friendly is it to use Ms. Rachael's website? *
Very difficult
Very easy
Did you feel like Ms. Rachael makes every attempt to be available for extra support after school? *
No, she's never here when needed
Yes, she's always available when needed
How supported do you feel in class? *
Not supported at all
Always supported
How comfortable do you feel coming to Ms. Rachael for help? *
Not at all comfortable
Extremely comfortable
What can Ms. Rachael do to make you feel more comfortable when seeking extra help?
Does Ms. Rachael make your learning objectives clear? *
(You know what you're learning in class)
I have no clue what I'm learning
I know what I am expected to learn each day
Are Ms. Rachael's notes in class helpful and easy to understand? *
I can't understand the notes in class
I feel pretty confident in my understanding of the notes
What can Ms. Rachael do to make delivery of information more clear in class?
How true is this statement: Ms. Rachael sets high expectations for students academically. *
Disagree strongly
Agree strongly
How true is this statement: Ms. Rachael sets high expectations for students behaviorally. *
Disagree strongly
Agree strongly
Does Ms. Rachael enter in your grades in a timely manner? *
(Teachers are required to enter grades on the 15th and 30th of each month)
No, my grades are never in!
Yes, she enters grades very quickly
How true is this statement: Ms. Rachael recognizes and acknowledges my hard work. *
She ignores me
She gives frequent recognition
What else could Ms. Rachael do to acknowledge your efforts in a way you are comfortable with?
Goals for Ms. Rachael this year were to support students when they are stressed and create a positive learning environment. How is she doing in meeting these goals?
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