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ZAPsters from the Past
Were you at the first Operation Zap Day on September 9, 1972?  We are excited to meet original ZAPsters and learn what that day was like.

Thank you for sharing about this piece of our Blackstone Valley history.

You were part of such a movement for the Blackstone River and environment, we want to share the past ZAP to engage people again this year.  
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What section & project did you participate in on Sept. 9th? *
Share any memories or thoughts about what  happened at this event.
Do you recall the music or celebration parties after the cleanup event? If so tell us who you saw and any other memories.
Do you have any photos or other memorabilia you would like to share with this year's ZAP50 planning team?
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If yes, what items would you like to share?
Would you be interested in attending ZAP50 events this year?  We have a watershed wide clean-up/ green-up event on August 27, 2022 and 50th anniversary celebration event on September 10, 2022?
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Please add any other thoughts or comments for us.
Is ZAP 50 allowed to share your memories and photos  as we promote this event?  We would only use your first name for these posts.
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