The English Graduate Student Society at Florida Atlantic University 2022 Graduate Conference: Connections
Call for Academic and Creative Proposals
The English Graduate Student Society at Florida Atlantic University 2022 Graduate Conference: Connections

Boca Raton, Florida (in person and Zoom)

April 15 and 16, 2022

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, scholars, students, teachers, families, friends, citizens, and others across the globe have been grappling with what it means to connect in times of isolation. What does it mean to connect with others virtually? What does it mean to reconnect after a pandemic? How can we connect with each other as academics, as artists, and as humans? How do we connect ideas effectively across the means available during and post pandemic?

The English Graduate Student Society (EGSS) at Florida Atlantic University seeks academic, critical, creative, and expressive works that explore all the various implications of connections, as well as disconnections. What are the possibilities and limitations for connections? What connections can be made within or across academic disciplines? What connections might be made between critical works and creative works? How can teachers and students connect more effectively? How does an individual connect with colleagues, strangers, loved ones, or one’s environment more effectively?

Potential focus-areas include but are not limited to:
Affect studies
Archive studies
Comparative studies
Creative Nonfiction
Critical race theory
Cultural studies
Diaspora and migration studies
Digital humanities
Disability studies
Ethnic studies
Feminist studies
Gender studies
Globalization and cosmopolitanism
Indigenous studies
Literacy studies
Literary forms
Medical humanities
Memory studies
Performance and media studies
Personal Essay
Popular culture
Posthuman theory
Psychoanalytic studies
Queer studies
Religious studies
Rhetoric and composition
Scholarly work on connections
Short form fiction
Technology studies
Trauma studies
World literatures
The theme of “connections” is suitable to almost any area of study and interdisciplinary studies.

FAU’s EGSS invites academic and creative submissions from Florida graduate students to its 2022 conference that will engage these questions related to connections. Presentations of any type should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

This conference is sponsored by FAU’s EGSS, and we encourage participation from all Florida graduate students regardless of academic field.
Please submit proposals as well as your biographical and institutional information via this Google Form ( by March 14, 2022. For academic papers, please submit a 250-300 word abstract. For creative readings, please submit both (1) a 250 word synopsis/rationale of the work and (2) a 300-500 word excerpt from prose or poetry you will read.

Because we are not able to provide funding for travel or other expenses, the conference will take place both in person on the Boca Raton campus of FAU and via Zoom.

We plan on hosting all in-person sessions on Friday, April 15, and all Zoom sessions on Saturday, April 16. Scheduling is subject to change.

For any further questions or concerns, please email

First Name *
Your answer
Last Name *
Your answer
Institutional Email Address *
Your answer
Do we have your permission to print your email address on the conference program? *
Which university in Florida do you currently attend as a graduate student? *
Your answer
Please provide a short biography (50-100 words) written in third person that will be displayed on the conference program. *
Your answer
For academic papers, please submit a 250-300 word abstract. (Write N/A if submitting a creative reading.) *
Your answer
For creative readings, please submit a synopsis/rationale of approximately 250 words of the work you plan to present. (Write N/A if submitting an academic paper.) *
Your answer
For creative readings, please submit an excerpt of no more than 300-500 words from the prose or poetry you will read. (Write N/A if submitting an academic paper.) *
Your answer
If accepted to present, would you rather present in person (FAU campus, Boca Raton, FL) or via Zoom? In person sessions are planned for Friday, April 15, and Zoom sessions are planned for Saturday, April 16. This scheduling is subject to change. *
Please provide any additional information if applicable.
Your answer
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