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Palos Verdes Peninsula Summer School (PVPSS) Employment Application
Faculty Application for Palos Verdes Peninsula Summer Schools (High School, Intermediate School and Elementary School).  
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Home Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home Phone and/or Cell Phone *
Have you previously taught at PVPSS? *
Prior PVPSS assignments (if applicable)
Current Teaching Assignment (including School Site) *
Please list the classes you are credentialed to teach.   *
Desired summer teaching assignment(s) *
Which level of Summer School do you want to teach?  Choose all that apply *
If you would like to split your teaching assignment, please list the name of the teacher you would share the assignment with and if you would like to teach during the first half of summer school, or the second half of summer school. 
If you would like to teach an After School Enrichment Program at the Elementary or Intermediate level, please indicate subject area(s) you would like to teach. Example: STEM, DANCE, MUSIC, SPORTS, Private or Small Group Academic Tutoring, etc.
Degree(s) Earned (we will contact you to submit a copy of your credentials upon agreement of employment) *
Professional Reference(s) (Include name, relationship and phone). Please list two. *
Insert full name and date of application below *

By completing this application, I attest that the below information supplied to Palos Verdes Peninsula Summer Schools in the course of my application for employment is true and I have not misstated, misrepresented nor falsified any such information.

I hereby authorize representatives of Palos Verdes Peninsula Summer Schools to contact references on the information I have provided and to conduct checks (criminal, credit, personal, business, education, among others) in the course of determining my suitability for employment.  I understand that any false information provided on this information form is grounds for non-consideration of candidacy or termination of employment.

If you have any questions please email HR@PVPEF.ORG
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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