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2024 Summer Baseball Sign-Up

The end of the school year is quickly approaching and it is time to turn our attention to the summer activities. The Kickapoo Area School District will once again be offering “Fundamentals of Baseball” to three age groups: (3rd/4th) grades (10U), (5th/6th) grades(12U), and (7th/8th) grades (14U).

Fill out one form per player you are registering. The deadline is May 2nd. Player registration is 10.00 and is due by May 2nd, you can write one check if you have multiple players in baseball. Payments can be made out to KAS Summer Baseball and turned into Melissa in the Elementary office or Crystal in the High School Office.  
If you have any questions about the Fundamentals of Baseball class, feel free to contact me at school:

Thank you, 
Ken Krings

Email *
Email *
Players Name *
Player's Address *
Player's Birthday *
Player's Current Grade *
Baseball Shirt Size *
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Cell Phone Number (must enter a cell phone or house phone)
Home Number
Emergency Contact (First Name) *
Emergency Contact (Last Name) *
Emergency Contact's Phone Number *
Please confirm that you understand that your payment is due by May 2nd. *
Please indicate if you have any other questions or concerns. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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