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All Saint's Episcopal Pageant Sign up 2024
We can't wait to have your help in this amazing event!! If you want to be in or help with the Christmas Pageant please fill out this form. Please complete the form for EACH participant from your family. 
  • No experience or church membership/attendance required (bring your friends and family too!) 
  • PAGEANT- SUNDAY - DECEMBER 22nd- 1030am service (arrival at 9am)  
Please fill out ONE FORM PER PERSON

Please reach out to Julie Wilcox with any questions regarding pageant sign up: 
email- with PAGEANT in the title                                     
text- 803-929-4113
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Email *
Participants First and Last Name (as it will appear in the bulletin) *
Individual's age or grade in school, "college" or "adult"  *
Primary email address for pageant updates/info *
Secondary email address for pageant updates/info (ie teenager, parent, etc.)
Adult/parent cell number *
Teen's contact number (if applicable)
FIRST choice for pageant role (all roles can be played by ANY gender)  *
SECOND CHOICE: please list other roles you're open to if your first choice is not available (sheep can put NA) *
other comments, questions, or key information
Please check all that apply  *
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