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NAAEE eeNEWS Feedback Survey
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us! 
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We are updating our eeNEWS newsletter and would love to hear from you. Let us know what you would like in a newsletter from NAAEE, and what other communications channels you use to stay in touch with NAAEE and environmental education communities more generally.

Thank you in advance for helping us improve our communications efforts to meet your needs.
To get started, NAAEE can currently be reached through the following ways:

On social media—

And through our websites and newsletters—
Visit to see the new site or sign up for a free account.
View and sign up for our regular newsletters here: eeNEWS, eeADVOCATE, GEEP News, eeJOBS, eeWEBINARS, Natural Start Alliance News, and NAAEE Conference News.
Are you a current eeNEWS subscriber? *
Do you subscribe to eeJOBS? *
Are you a member of NAAEE? *
Are you a member of our eePRO community *
Have you ever donated to NAAEE?
How would you describe your connection to environmental education (EE)?
(choose the best answer)
What is your current country of residence?
What content do you most look to NAAEE to provide in eeNEWS?
(check all that apply)
If you currently subscribe to eeNEWS, what would you like to see more of?
(You can view our most recent issue here and weigh in, if not subscribed)
If you currently subscribe to eeNEWS, what would you like to see less of?
(You can view our most recent issue here and weigh in, if not subscribed.)
Where do you currently follow NAAEE?
(check all that apply)
Where do you look to stay informed about the EE community more generally?
(check all that apply)
Would it be okay if we contacted you about your responses today?
If yes, please fill in your name and email address. Otherwise, leave this box blank. All responses are anonymous.
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