The State of CUNY CTL's Survey
This is a brief survey from the CUNY CTL Council to find out the structures, standards and practices for Centers for Teaching and Learning at the various CUNY colleges. The data we collect will be used to determine what common policies, if any, exist throughout our university, and will also be featured in the first newsletter created by the Council.
Thank you very much for your assistance.

For more information please contact:
Carlos Guevara

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College *
About your Center
Center's Name *
Center Director's Name *
Director's Title *
Center's web address: *
Center's Contact Information *
e.g. email, phone number, etc.
Your Center is managed by *
Check all that apply
If managed by Faculty (PT), shared, or Faculty Council, please explain the structure
Which office/department/division does your Center report to? *
How do you get feedback and guidance about your programming? *
Check all that apply
Please identify all your funding sources *
Check all that apply
If you receive funding, provide details about how it can be used
e.g. food, stipends, supplies, guest speakers, PS, OTPS, etc.
What is your Center's staff structure *
Check all that apply
Provide details about your staff under each category *
e.g. how many full time, part time, fellows, interns, etc.
Who generally delivers the services offered by your Center? *
Check all that apply
About the services your Center provides
What type of projects/activities does your center provide? *
Check all that apply
If faculty are compensated for their participation in Center initiatives, please specify how *
Check all that apply. Examples of initiatives: SoTL, develop online courses, high impact practices, etc.
If Financial rewards are provided, how are these assigned?
If equipment, please explain the conditions
If no compensation is provided, please explain how you engage faculty participants
What population does your Center serve? *
Check all that apply
Are there other offices/departments in your college that provide similar services or your center collaborates with? *
Check all that apply
Highlight your Center's work
Tell us in detail about a project your Center is currently working on, and you want to highlight *
(at least one paragraph)
What challenge(s) is your Center currently facing? *
If you consider important information was not covered by this survey, please share it here
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