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How should we develop our agent-based model of data sharing in the economy?
The ODI's ABM of data sharing is purely illustrative and we would like to develop it so that we or others can test data policy questions in conditions that are more like the real world, and hence be better able to consider their effects ahead of time. This feedback form is an opportunity for you to make suggestions on the key parts of the model, helping us to understand how it could be improved. The questions have been guided by expert publications on the development and communication of ABMs, such as that by Calder M etal (2018) Computational modelling for decision-making: where, why, what, who and how: Thanks a lot for your help.  
What is your name?
Did you use the model with a research or policy question in mind?
If you did use the model with a research or policy question in mind, what was it?
Would you make any changes to the model boxology and, if so, what would they be? The boxology is available here
How could the model be extended, perhaps with extra features like more types of agents or different environmental conditions?  
What data sources could we use to make the model better approximate the real world?
Was the model described in a way that you found accessible?
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If the model was not well described, what would help you to better understand it?
Was the app easy to use?
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If the app was not easy to use, what would make it easier to use?
Was the 'Biggest companies' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Was the 'Data sharing' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Was the 'New companies' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Was the 'Firm specialisation' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Was the 'Complimentarity' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Was the 'Category innovation' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Was the 'Consumer satisfaction' graphic in the app well communicated and, if not, how could it be improved?
Are there any other suggestions you would like to make?
Please share your email address if you are happy for us to contact you to discuss your answers in more detail
We will only use your email address for this purpose. We will not contact you for any other reason or pass your details on to third parties. Read our privacy policy here:
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