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Hudson Valley Veterans' Task Force Healthcare Committee Voluntary Survey
This form is to be used by any veteran who either receives health care services through the VA at Castle Point and/or Montrose or any of the area CBOCS.
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Are you receiving healthcare services from the VA at Castle Point or Montrose or one of the CBOCs in the Hudson Valley system?  If no or rejected, please scroll to the bottom of the survey and complete the last question. *
If yes, what campus (Castle Point, Montrose) or CBOC do you use?
If yes, do have a primary doctor in the VA?
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How are your appointments made?
Do you use My Healthevet for other needs? Ck as many answers as apply.
Have you had any problems making or changing appointments when needed?
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Do you receive reminder notices from the VA?  Check all that apply.
Have you received any support in how to use My Healthevet?  Check all that apply.
Are there other issues that you have experienced that you believe need to be addressed with the administration?
If you receive care from any of the VA facilities, do you have transportation to and from those appointments?
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If your answer to #1 was "no" and  you have not registered with the Hudson Valley VA Healthcare system, why not?
If your answer to #1 was "rejected", what were the reasons given for your rejection?
If you would like for someone to contact you,  please leave your name, what county you live in and a good phone number and email and if you prefer to be contacted by one or the other.
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