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Arcade Collectors Europe - Meeting 2024

Nothing special. Just a gathering of organizations, location operators and fans and friends of arcade machines.

Primarily aimed at members of the Facebook group "Arcade Collectors Europe". However, if you have a few people in your circle of friends who absolutely have to come, please forward this invitation.

So that I/we can plan, please register in advance.

We will set up a donation box on site, but will not charge admission.  If you want to put something in the box, that would be nice - electricity is expensive :)

Just a nice gathering of arcade fans/friends to network, spend a few hours together and of course play games.

And yes - you CAN bring stuff for selling or trading. :) (Arcades, PCBs, Merch... but please theme-related)

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Arcade und Retrogaming
What can you expect?

We have around 250 machines. About 120 pinball machines and about 120 arcades. All on two floors.

We also have a nice foyer with seating and the opportunity to buy drinks. We're not planning on running the kitchen right now, but we can always order pizza/pasta or something similar.

We have the option of setting up tables in the foyer. So if you want to bring something to exhibit or sell, please let us know.

We also have a sound system and a projector. Small presentations (such as a presentation of your location or collection) are also possible.

We would also have some space if you want to bring something bigger, please let us know in this case as well so that we can plan together :)

Basic Information
ACE Meeting
Saturday, 13.04.2024 (Start 10:30) till Sunday
Free Entry - but a Donation Box

Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 6
63500 Seligenstadt / Germany

*Its possible to sleep at our museum - just bring your campingstuff.

Languages: German/Englisch ;)

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