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Carbon Creator Application
This form is for Carbon to gather information of your potential interest in becoming a Carbon member. Please answer with exact numbers and read questions thoroughly to ensure accurate answers. BE THOROUGH ON YOUR ANSWERS.
Non disclaimer: This application allows us to gather information only. This is not an official document by Carbon Gaming Group LLC and any information gathered is of your discretion to provide.
Email *
What is your Username on all platforms? (List if they differ)
How do you Inspire. Impact. Giveback?
Tell us about yourself; What drives you to do what you do? What do you do? What does your content entail on a daily basis? What makes YOU different?
Why are you interested in becoming a Carbon member?
What are you interested in doing for Carbon?
What is your Twitter following currently at?
How many followers do you have on your most popular streaming platform?
What is your Current average viewership on your streaming platform? (list if multiple)
What is your TikTok following currently at? *
What is your Youtube subscriber count currently at? *
What is your Instagram following currently at?
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