Graduate Students and Allies! The only way we're going to win our demands for a safe and just pandemic response is by withholding our labor and obstructing University operations with virtual and socially distant, in-person pickets! This means we need as many graduate student and allies picketing around the clock in the next week. This form will help coordinate picketers across sites, virtual and otherwise. If you have any questions about this form, please email:
umgeo@geo3550.orgSafety Information and Guidelines for Socially Distant Actions:
Our knowledge of COVID-19 is constantly evolving and changes on an almost daily basis. We encourage you to check the CDC website for known symptoms of COVID-19. If you experience any of these symptoms, please immediately call your medical care provider or University Health Service for guidance on your next steps. Please do not attend if you are showing any symptoms. Your health and safety are more important than attending any action! Please see GEO's guidelines for socially distant actions for more information: