ACSS Membership Form: Department
Arizona Council for the Social Studies serves as the leading voice for the promotion of quality Social Studies education in Arizona. The purpose of the Arizona Council for the Social Studieds is to:
*promote and improve the teaching of the Social Studies in Arizona schools.
*encourage cooperation among specialists in Social Studies, Social Science, Professional Education and the Schools.
*provide a network of communication and mutual support for those involved in the Social Studies Education at all levels.
*serve as a support base for the Social Studies in the State of Arizona and to take appropriate steps to do so.
Your entire department will enjoy the benefits of ACSS Membership!
*Annual Conference: ACSS Members receive reduced fees for our Annual Fall Conference
*Co-Sponsored Events: ACSS with other organizations (AZFLE, ACEE, etc.) sponsor Mock Trials, National History Day compeitions, training programs and regional conferences with benefits for members
*Leadership Opportunities: ACSS promotes curriculum development, dissemintation of best practices, and opportunities to discuss issues
*Professional Recognition: ACSS honors Programs and Individuals of Excellence at Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Higher Education Levels
Please provide your Instructional Lead/Department Chair email below and then answer the prompts that follow.