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Ashbourne Netball Club Membership Form 2024-2025
The data being collected will be kept in a secure location and will only be accessible to select club members. Please only complete this form if requested to do so by a member of the club committee. Any information given will be solely used by Ashbourne Netball Club and will not be passed on to any other third parties - Visit the club website to read our Privacy Policy.

England Netball Membership needs to be purchased directly from their website, please ensure you select Ashbourne Netball Club to join, before registering.  This is an annual membership which all players must have to be able to participate at training and matches.

Annual Membership fees for Ashbourne Netball Club for the full 2024 - 2025 season will be £210 for the year and can be paid in one full amount, or by 10 monthly payments of £21 - this is for years 4 and above. This covers all training sessions.

We also offering a pay as you go which is £5 per session and needs to be paid by BACS.

Please pay subs by direct payment online to Ashbourne Netball Club

                 account number 22155468          
                      sort code  30-90-25
          Please add the players name as reference

Please note players are not insured until a payment has been received.

If the member is under 18 the following must be completed by a parent/guardian

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Surname *
Forename *
Date of birth *
Email *
Address *
Mobile phone number *
Do you have any known allergies? *if yes, please give details, otherwise please write "no" *
Do you have any medical conditions or take any regular medications? *if yes, please give details, otherwise please write "no" *
Do you have a physical disability? *if yes, please give details, otherwise please write "no" *
Ethnicity *
1st next of kin - name and contact number *
2nd next of kin - name and contact number *
I consider myself/my child to be physically fit and capable of full participation and agree to notify Ashbourne Netball Club of any changes to the medical information provided.  Furthermore, in the event of injury I give my permission for the team managers/coaches appointed by Ashbourne Netball Club to obtain emergency medical treatment for myself/my child. *
I consent to Ashbourne Netball Club processing my/my child’s General Personal Data and Sensitive / Personal information (that include, but are not limited to, medical information) which I have supplied for the purpose of managing membership and coaching my child. I understand that I have the choice not to grant my consent or, once given, to withdraw my consent at any time. I acknowledge that withholding or withdrawing my consent to process this data may restrict the services and activities available to me through Ashbourne Netball Club and may cause administrative/communication delays. I understand information will be processed in line with Ashbourne Netball Club's Privacy Notice which is available on our web site. *
I agree that I/my child may participate in the club’s activities entirely at my own risk and that I/they must play in a manner that is safe for themselves and others. *
I consent, for the club to post any appropriate photos/videos that I/my child may be in to help promote Ashbourne Netball Club or to celebrate, using the club’s website and/or social media. *
If participant is under 18:                 I consent to my child being transported by other players during the season.  
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Name of person filling in this form if participant is under 18
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