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Section 1 of 4
Student Sustainability Summit: Call for Programs Application 
Have you been working on a campus sustainability project?
A research project?
A personal initiative?

You are invited to apply to present your work at Sustainable Shenandoah Valley's Student Sustainability Summit on April 6th, 2024 at James Madison University. 

Presentation applications are due March 1st, 2024.  
What We are Looking For
We are seeking engaging student presenters that look to share their ideas and projects with other University students in the Shenandoah valley. Given the current state of the world, chances are, you are a young person concerned about the environment and the people who live in it. What have you done on your campus to help further the UN SDGs? Or alternatively, how has your research helped to further the UN Sustainable Development goals (for more information, visit Let us know, and following your acceptance, we will help you perfect your presentation.

NOTE: We are hoping to have students serve as the primary presenters. However, the research does not have to be conducted by a student alone. If a student is involved with a professor's research or researching under a supervising professor, then we would invite that student to present with the help of the professor.
Selection Criteria
Selected presenters will:
1. Demonstrate a way in which you or your school has worked towards the UN SDGs
2. Have a clear and compelling abstract
3. Include defined and achievable learning objectives
Expectations of Presenters
1. Communicate with the organizers to workshop your presentations
2. Submit final presentation outline approximately a month before the conference
3. Attend the conference in the Spring
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Primary Presenter Contact Information
There will be a primary presenter for each proposal. All correspondence will be sent to this primary presenter.
Primary presenter name
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Primary presenter Institution
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Program Session Type
You will select from one of the following program session types:
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Traditional Interest Session (approx. 20 minute presentation and approx. 5 minute Q&A) Present the outcome of research, a campus project or another initiative relating to environmental sustainability or any of the SDGs.
Round Table Discussion (approx. 30 minutes)This session type allows the presenter(s) to facilitate a discussion among audience members through the deliberate creation of prompts or questions surrounding a general topic relating to the SDGs.
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Which Sustainable Development Goal does your project best align with?
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Goal #1 - End poverty of all kinds by providing for those who cannot provide for themselves, focusing on their holistic wellbeing and restoring human dignity.
Goal #2 - End hunger by improving greater food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture for all.
Goal #3 - Ensure the health and well-being of others by providing accessible, affordable, quality health care with no discrimination based on demographics.
Goal #4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities to support the development of engaged, responsible, ethical and compassionate citizens.
Goal #5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by cultivating a culture of inclusion where all individuals are valued equally in all environments regardless of their gender.
Goal #6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all so every individual has access to safe drinking water.
Goal #7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for everyone regardless of geographic location and demographics factors.
Goal #8 - Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all with liveable wages.
Goal #9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation that addresses pressing challenges.
Goal #10 - Reduce inequality of all kinds within the US by diminishing the presence of unequal opportunities and rewards.
Goal #11 - Make cities and other communities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Goal #12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns by addressing destructive consumption practices that acknowledge the finite amount of available natural resources.
Goal #13 - Take urgent and radical action to combat climate change and its impacts to prevent catastrophic irreversible environmental degradation
Goal #14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources by opposing practices that threaten the health of marine ecosystems.
Goal #15 - Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss.
Goal #16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, inclusive, and equitable institutions at all levels.
Goal #17 - Promote global partnerships to address issues that exist within society to efficiently and effectively work towards solutions.
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Section 4 of 4
Program Abstract and Learning Objectives
PROGRAM ABSTRACT: A program abstract is a brief summary/description of the session you will present. This description should effectively and concisely inform the participants what content to expect in the presentation.
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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: You will identify learning objectives for your program and briefly explain your connection to the UN SDGs. While your program description above is a high level description of your session, the learning objectives are statements that indicate what the participant will know or be able to do as a result of participating in the session.
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What We are Looking For
Selection Criteria
Expectations of Presenters
Primary Presenter Contact Information
Primary presenter name
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Primary presenter Institution
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Primary presenter email address
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Primary presenter phone number
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Program Session Type
You will select from one of the following program session types:
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Which Sustainable Development Goal does your project best align with?
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Program Abstract and Learning Objectives
PROGRAM ABSTRACT: A program abstract is a brief summary/description of the session you will present. This description should effectively and concisely inform the participants what content to expect in the presentation.
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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: You will identify learning objectives for your program and briefly explain your connection to the UN SDGs. While your program description above is a high level description of your session, the learning objectives are statements that indicate what the participant will know or be able to do as a result of participating in the session.
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