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Taino Woods Sanctuary Calmunity Survey
Thank you for being a part of Taino Woods Sanctuary.

The intention of this survey is to gather feedback and experiences in order to better serve our community as we grow and expand. We thank you for the ways in which you have contributed to the our journey and for the time you are dedicating to this survey. Your truth and honest feedback is encouraged and appreciated. 

Han Hankatu!
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What roles have you held? Check all that apply.  *
How far do you live from Taino Woods Sanctuary?
How often do you usually attend Taino Woods Sanctuary? *
What makes it difficult for you to participate at Taino Woods Sanctuary?

What would make it easier?

How has Taino Woods Sanctuary impacted your life?

What are some of your favorite memories at Taino Woods Sanctuary?
Please explain what has logistically worked well during your time at Taino Woods Sanctuary.

Examples you can write about can include: 
- Communication
- Onsite coordination 
- Training for volunteer tasks
- The overall flow of your time on the Land

What have been some challenges? What could be improved upon? 

If feedback is related to specific events or roles, please state the event/role. 
How has conflict been dealt with in your time at Taino Woods Sanctuary?
What can be improved upon in this process?

How useful has the website been in helping you find and attend gatherings at Taino Woods Sanctuary?

Not helpful
Very helpful

What do you hope to see at Taino Woods Sanctuary in the future?


Would you like to share any other thoughts?

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