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CSC 20th Anniversary 2nd Sat Monthly Vigils (8 Feb)
Dear friends, Jesus loves you. Welcome to the Refuge of Prayer as God ministers to you.

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”      - Mt 11:28 -

Come as you are; come to rest; come to receive His sanctifying grace and His healing touch.

All are welcome to spend some time with the Lord, even if it would not be for the entire 7 hours of the Vigil.

Prayer is efficacious. By dedicating herself totally in prayer, St Therese of the Child Jesus became the Patroness for mission. Come and pray as missionaries for God’s Kingdom, to be a powerhouse of mission for others.

May the Lord bless you and your loved ones. Amen.

Do help us to indicate your commitment in the form to help with logistical planning. Thank you! 
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