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2019-2020 Chess in the Schools TTI - Level 2- Workshop Registration Form for Saturday, October 19, 2019 at Chess in the Schools
Registration for these workshops close once capacity is reached. Once you register a confirmation email will be sent once your registration is processed. Please bring a copy of this e-mail with you to guarantee your registration.  Please note that a final announcement email will be sent prior to each workshop.

All fields noted with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed correctly for your entry to be accepted.
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Email *
Salutation *
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number *
For registration related issues, please provide a phone number at which we can contact you.
Enter your NYC DOE email. This will only be used for sending an e-mail with confirmation of your registration.
Type of School *
School Prefix *
School DOE # *
School Name *
School Street Address *
Borough *
Zip Code *
School Phone Number *
No hyphens, 10 digits
School's Council Member District *
What grade do you teach? *
If you teach a specific subject, please list
If you are not a teacher, what is your job at the school?
Has your school ever participated in the Chess in the Schools program? *
Have you ever had Chess in the Schools in your classroom? *
Has your school ever attended a Chess in the Schools tournament? *
Do you know how to play chess? *
Have you previously attended a TTI workshop? *
If so, when you did attend?
How did you hear about TTI? *
If other, please specify:
Do you already have a chess club/program at your school? *
If yes, do you have a club, a classroom program, or both?
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