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2018 Jack Canfield Registration
Please register your car and all drivers for the Jack Canfield Memorial Race.
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Car Number *
Car Year, Make and Model *
Transponder # *
If you don't know your transponder number, bring it to registration on race day. If you need to rent a transponder, indicate below and see the registrar on race day.
Driver #1, First and Last Name *
Required. Hopefully your car has at least one driver.
Driver #2, First and Last Name
Optional - not required if you're going solo and/or don't have friends (or don't trust them with your car)
Driver #3, First and Last Name
Optional - not required if you're going solo and/or don't have friends (or don't trust them with your car)
Driver #4, First and Last Name
Optional - not required. See you in the pits! If you're crazy enough to have more than 4 drivers, please notify the registrar.
Contact Email Address *
Contact Phone Number *
Payment Option *
Fees Due *
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