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Welcome to our Resilience Education Cohort where you embark on an exciting program for 6 months with a group of close knitted peers. Look forward to our exciting materials that are specially crafted for you to build up a reservoir of skills for your recovery journey and beyond!

You may refer to our website ( for more information about us.

Please fill up the form to sign up for the registration session and find out more about Resilience Collective and our Resilience Education Series!

*Priority for the Resilience Education Series will be given to individuals who attended the information session.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email address *
Mobile number *
Your experience with mental health conditions *
How did you find out about the Resilience Education Series? *
Have you joined any of our events previously? *
If so, which event did you join? *
I would like to attend the Information Session on *
Would you like to be on our mailing list for future events? *
Any other things you would like to share?
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