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Commission Order Form
If you’re interested in seeing what I’ve done in terms of writing, there is links to my gallery: and my patreon: 

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Email *
Term of Service
  • I reserve the right to decline any commission that fails to abide by the rules or violates our agreement.
  • I refuse any application of my work into any semblance of AI, Machine-learning, or crypto-blockchaining pieces.
  • I refuse to accept any form of Crypto-currency as payment.
  • As long as my name as author is acknowledged, the commissioner can post on any site, any platform they wish. I will also render anonymous any commissioner at their request.
  • I use PayPal for services. I may request a down payment prior, and the remainder following the delivery of the commission
  • There will be a flat €3 up-charge for non-EUR transactions due to PayPal exchange fees
Do’s & Don’ts for commissions:


- Third person style

- Muscle growth 

- Female to male transformation 

- Furry (Anthro)

- Extreme weight gain 

- Body Hair growth 

- Slob elements (mostly sweating, nothing too extreme) 

- Giant growth

- Male sexual scenes (though levels must be discussed)

- Reality changes

- Mild age progression (no under 18, no above 50) 


- No Inanimate transformations 

- No scat. 

- No vomit

- No slurs.

- No starting off with minor characters (Youngest I'm comfortable with is 18 years old)

- No female expansion save for FtM transformation.

- No using real people or actors (using character's they've played/voiced or oc that's inspired by real life counterpart is acceptable but needs to be discussed) 

- No extreme domination elements.

- No violence and gore (Worse being some bruises or implied)

- No hard vore

- No hateful content

Anything not mentioned above can be discussed.

Are you a patreon member (Certain levels offer discount) *
If Yes, please include Patreon email/username. If no, leave answer as “N/A” *
How many approximate words do you want the story to be? (Included is value) *
What is the idea you want? (Please be as descriptive as possible) *
Include links of references here *
Contact information (include site and username) *
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