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1:1 Online Coaching Form
Hello! Thank you for registering your interest in online coaching with me and joining the fam! All information provided in this form is confidential.
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Email *
What is your full name? *
Phone number *
Where are you currently living ? (State & Country) *
Date of birth *
What’s a SPECIFIC goal you want to achieve in the next 3 months (e.g lose weight & how much, gain muscle, build strength, develop healthy habits, build confidence ect )
What is your long term goal? *
What has held you back from reaching your desired goals ? *
What would you like help with? *
What is your training experience? *
What do you have access to for training? *
Have you followed a program before? *
Do you have any existing injuries, medical conditions or on medication that i should be aware of? (e.g PCOS ect) *
How many days can you commit to training? *
How do you envision your ideal future self?  e.g physical appearance, career, personal life *
How would you rate your relationship with food out of 10? Why? *
Do you know how to track your macros or use My Fitness Pal? *
What is your dieting history and do you have any specific dietary requirements? *
On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to achieving your goals? *
Not committed
What level of support do you need? *
Is there anything else you'd like to add? *
Thanks for completing the form! I will be in contact with you shortly to arrange your free coaching consultation call with me.
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