SPN Hunter Citizenship Form
Welcome new and experienced hunters! It is now the time we unite, and the time to make us a community once and for all. With this form, your fantasy of being a hunter can finally come true, along with many other future hunters like you! Now then, grab your rock salt and holy water, because here we go!
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What is your name? *
This is the rare time you can change your name...unofficially. This will be your hunter name, and will be recorded as such in the Hunter's census along with your username. Make it as epic or Winchester-y as you like.
What is your username? *
Obviously we all have one. This will be recorded with your "name"
Now. Let's get on to the trivial stuff. Even though there technically is no way to tell if you are right or wrong, it will allow us to your personal hunting style. Are you ready? *
How would you kill/get rid of a demon? *
If a demon was attacking you, how would you react?
What is your opinion on angels? *
You know, the people in suits with wings and eyes that burn your face off.
As a hunter, what kind of gear would other hunters expect to find in your trunk? *
Check all that apply.
Team Sam, Dean, or Cas? *
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