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REAL Student Ministry Registration Form
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First Baptist Cabot Student Ministry (aka R.E.A.L. Student Ministry) offers 5th-12th grade students an opportunity to come and experience the Word of God and participate in worship in a real and powerful way. Each week students are challenged to Read, Engage, Apply, and Live out God’s Word as they connect on Sunday mornings in Small Groups to study God’s Word and deepen their walk with Christ. In addition, each Wednesday night our student worship band kicks us off followed by the sharing of God’s Word. R.E.A.L. Student Ministry offers regular events for students to grow in their walk with Christ, encourage one another, serve their community, and engage their world sharing the love of Christ. We have specific strategies and events tailored for each grade in our student ministry, but break our student ministry into 2 core groups - Junior Varsity (5th-8th grade) and Varsity (9th-12th grade).  We want you to be a part of our family and know there is a place for you to grow, serve, and share.  Come and let us walk with you as we love and worship God together. We desire nothing less than for His love and His Word to be REAL in your life as we live out our faith journey side by side as a family of believers in Jesus Christ.
Student Name: *
Student's Cell          (Enter N/A if student doesn't have a cell phone) *
Parent's Name or Emergency Contact: *
Parent's Cell or Emergency Contact's Cell *
Parent or Emergency Contact - Are you on campus during Sun AM small groups / lifegroups? If yes, what group are you in or what area are you serving in?
Address *
Birthday *
Grade: *
School *
Shirt size *
Favorite Snack
Favorite Place to Eat
Favorite Sonic Drink
Do you have any food allergies?  If so, please list.
What activities are you currently participating in on campus?
What are your primary off campus activities?
Where do you attend church regularly? *
Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? *
How can we pray for you this school year?
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