MAS New Student Application Form
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You're applying for *
We are accepting Gr 7,8 and Pre-College (High School Graduates)
Last Name *
Do not use small caps.
First Name *
Do not use small caps.
Middle Name
Birthdate *
Address *
Please indicate the complete address
Telephone Number/s *
This is important please check carefully and kinly include landline numbers if there are any. Thank you.
Current and Previous School/s *
Kindly indicate also what grade or level you went into these schools.
Name of Father and Occupation
For example: Juan dela Cruz - Businessman
Name of Mother and Occupation
Contact number/s of your parents or guardian *
Why do you want to enter the seminary? *
You may answer in Tagalog Filipino
School Activities and Parish Involvement
Kindly indicate here if you have honors, awards, clubs in your school. For example. Honor student - 1st honor, School Varsity player in basketball, Parish - Altar Server
Why do you want to become a priest? Tell us your vocation story. *
Vocation means calling from God.
Tell us briefly about yourself *
Tell us about your family background *
Tell us briefly about yourself
Tell us about your family
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